5 Children's Books That Inspire Healthy Habits

5 Children's Books That Inspire Healthy Habits

Reading Teaches Kids About Healthy Living

Reading books together with our children is not only a great way to connect and unwind, but stories also help expose them to new ideas and positive habits. Now that I have toddlers, I look for books that will be a good learning tool. Some show kindness. Others encourage independence and responsibility. But I really appreciate when a book can show my kids that being healthy is fun for them and good for the planet.

5 Children's Books That Inspire Healthy Habits

Here are some of my favorite books for inspiring kids about healthy living while they're young (clockwise from top left):

1. We Are Extremely Very Good Recyclers {Lauren Child}: Lola learns to recycle and makes it a fun competition with classmates. This book has bright, appealing pictures and teaches tips for your kids to recycle too!

2. Curious George Plants a Tree {Margret & H. A. Rey}: Everything Curious George goes over well in our house, so this would be no different. George obviously gets himself into innocent trouble while learning the ins and outs of recycling, but eventually brings the community together to give back.

3. Little Pea, Little Hoot, Little Oink {Amy Krouse Rosenthal}: These books are a witty take on eating veggies, going to bed, and cleaning up after oneself. The pictures and concepts are creative and make us laugh while we read.

4. Eating the Alphabet: Fruit and Vegetables from A to Z {Lois Ehlert}: Gorgeous illustrations make it appealing for everyone reading to want to eat their fruits and veggies. Perfect for teaching about nutrition AND the alphabet at once!

5. Grow It, Cook It {DK Publishing}: A cookbook for kids, this brilliant book teaches the ins and outs growing vegetables for recipes. It takes the food from the garden to the plate. Perfect for elementary age kids.

There are so many great books for inspiring kids' appetites for healthy living, so we'd love to know your favorites too!

~ Kate Brightbill of Style Smaller

Top Image by  Manus Chau Photography .

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